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Being Tested


Texas seems to be testing me to see if I’m worthy to live in the state.

First, before we bought our house I got what I refer to as a “Welcome to Texas Sinus Infection.” Just note that I never get sinus infections and even when I have a cold it passes pretty quickly. Mrs. EMS Artifact says that all my years in EMS have given me a strong immune system. Maybe, but it’s also probably the fact that I work out frequently, eat properly (for the most part) and watch my weight.

Anyway this whatever it was made me miserable enough to go to urgent care not once, but twice. The first time got me a prescription for cough medicine and some suggestions on how to get through the next few days. After the next few days and I was worse, I went back to urgent care and got antibiotics and a steroid. In the interim I had a nose bleed that almost caused me to go to an Emergency Department, but fortunately stopped before that.

In due course I got better and we proceeded to buy our house and move in.

Move in day came and I had to use the bathroom. Flushing the toilet resulted in nothing happening. Well nothing good. I went on line and found a local plumber. He came out and cleared the line, but told me it was likely that the lovely Live Oak in the front yard had invaded the pipe via the roots boring through the PVC. He dropped a camera down and sure enough there were pieces of root sticking through the PVC. The prospect of having to call the plumber at random intervals to clear that obstruction was not viable, so we paid to have that section of soil pipe dug out and replaced.

We also had a refill valve replaced because of what my wife refers to as a “Toilet Ghost.” The tank would partially refill at random. The usual cause of this is a bad seal on the flush valve, but in our case the fill valve also needed replacement.

Side note: We never met the sellers of our house as that’s not done at closings any more. We only met the buyers of our house because they wanted to come over and do some measuring before the closing. Elsewise, we wouldn’t have met them.

My post move in impression is that the sellers were not all that much interested in routine maintenance. Which is not to say that they knew about the root problem and didn’t tell us. Those things aren’t predictable. Still, I’ve been doing a lot of little repairs that are not all that much different than what I did to our old house before we put it on the market and even after we had a deal to sell. Just the way I was raised, I guess.

One of the things that they didn’t take care of was the water softener system. As in it never worked in the five years they owned the house. Apparently the original owner didn’t do anything about it either. Our section of Texas has the hardest water in America. Yay us. Which means that water softeners are pretty much a requirement unless you like to buy new appliances every five years or so. We don’t, so we are having the plumbers come back sometime in the next few weeks to install a new system with a ten year guarantee. Hopefully that will save our four year old water heater and less than four year old dishwasher and washing machine.

So, that brings us up to Sunday. Which happened to be my birthday. I decided to move one of the very nice recliners we moved with us to my new “TV room.” Forgetting that I was no longer 40 years old (or close) I decided to move it without partially disassembling it.


I felt a pop in my left bicep followed by a burning pain. At which point I decided to disassemble th chair into it’s three components. I was able to move everything and get the chair back together.

My bicep was another question. Being quasi medical, I self diagnosed and decided that Tylenol was in order for the pain. Truthfully, there was no sense in going to urgent care or a free standing Emergency Department because that’s pretty much what they would do. Plus, before a surgeon could look at it the swelling had to subside.

In the mean time, I selected a new Primary Care Provider and signed up with his office. My only source of information was on line reviews of him. They were uniformly excellent and because he deals with a lot of older people he has a lot of experience with things that afflict older people.

While talking to his scheduler I mentioned my arm and she suggested a visit to an urgent care affiliated with the hospital with which he is affiliated. That way I could get my problem into the system and get a referral to an orthopedic surgeon.

So, today I went to the urgent care facility and was examined by a very nice and competent Nurse Practitioner. The good news is that it’s “only” a bicep muscle tear and not a tendon separation. Which means that the surgery is much less extensive as are the recovery and whatever rehab I might need. She ordered an ultrasound of my bicep and sent in the request for a referral to an orthopedic surgeon affiliated with the same hospital.

The doctor who was overseeing the urgent care center advised that I’d be better off foregoing my three times a week rowing machine sessions as that could cause scar tissue to form and make the surgery that much harder. Great. I’ll have to develop some other exercises for my forearms and shoulders.

Also on the good side I was successful in navigating the Texas process for registering motor vehicles and was able to obtain license plates for both of our vehicles. That’s important because Texas will not issue drivers license if you don’t have a vehicle registered or can prove that you don’t have a vehicle. After that Mrs. EMS Artifact and I found a state drivers license office that isn’t booked into next year and got our licenses.

Why the rush? Because you need a Texas drivers license to file for property tax exemptions. Who doesn’t love property tax exemptions?

While talking about the differences in how things are done in Texas versus our old state I joked that Texas is like a whole different state. Mrs. EMS Artifact said, only half joking, that it’s more like a different country.

Which ever it is, I sure hope that it likes me enough to let me stay.



The moving truck was here first thing on Tuesday. Which right now seems about a year ago. Driver and two helpers were very efficient, pleasant, and helpful.

I let them do their thing while I dealt with a serious issue. Our main sewer line clogged and nothing would flush away. I went on line and found a local plumbing company. The lady on the phone was very pleasant and helpful. She found a crew finishing up a job nearby and promised to send them along. About half an hour later a plumber and his helper showed up.

I explained the problem and they got right to work. This area had clean out access outside the house, which is nice. It took the crew about 20 minutes to get things, uh, flowing again. They then offered the option of dropping a camera into the line to see if they could find the cause. Truth is, the plumber had a really good idea of what was going on because as we say, it wasn’t his first big job. Sure enough one of the pretty oak trees in the front yard had bored it’s way through the sewer line in search of water.


The plumber wrote up the estimate and sent it back to the office for approval and forwarding to me. Not a pleasant surprise, but I came to find out that this is not uncommon even in this neighborhood. I think that I’ll have the tree removed unless the HOA objects, which they shouldn’t since I’ll still meet the one tree requirement. I just have to find a landscaping company to do the work.

Two things that all home owners find out pretty quickly. With a house there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done. Home owners, at least the all the ones I know have an assortment of tools, develop some pretty good handy man skills, have a lot of spare screws, bolts, nuts, and other assorted hardware around the house. They also have a “Rolodex.” Even if these days it’s kept in a smart phone. For some reason, a reliable plumber who won’t over charge and will show up is always at the top of the list. An electrician is sort of a distant second as at least in my case I can change outlets, switches, lights, and even in the past ran Romex and installed new outlets where there was none before.

I have to add a handy man to the list even though for the past forty three years I was mostly my own handy man. My oldest friend was my helper and when he needed to do a job I was his. He is of course 2,000+ miles away, so not an option. He’s going to be impossible to replace. Growing up we lived five minutes from each other. We went to different colleges, but when we graduated we returned for a short while to our respective childhood homes.

In due time, we both got married and for a few years we saw each other less. Then my wife and bought a house. A couple of years later my friend and his wife bought a house in the same time. Once again we were about five minutes from each other.

Our daughters coined the term “Heterosexual Life Partners” and as funny as that sounds, it’s true.

All of which is to explain why I need a handy man to do things that my friend and I used to tackle together.

I’ll have to find a lawn company, hopefully one that can also get rid of that pesky tree. I have no intention of dropping a tree on my house by accident.

On the good side, I don’t need a guy to clear my driveway of snow. I sold my snow blower to a friend and I was very happy to wave goodbye to it. I gave away assorted shovels, driveway markers, ice scrapers, and other snow tools to a friends son in law. Again, we were both happy.

Back to moving in. Everything is unloaded, but there is still a lot to unpack. I think my wife is going to end up donating a lot of stuff to Goodwill. Despite my suggestion, she over packed and we still have about 40 boxes of the original 140 that were packed. My office is still a mess as I’m awaiting delivery of a new to me office desk. I was hesitant to buy an expensive desk, but my wife insisted it was a good deal. So, I’ll have a nice office when it’s done. And a separate TV room to relax in, but I won’t bore you with that story.

This weeks tasks include registering our vehicles in Texas and getting our drivers licenses. The latter is important because there are significant discount to property taxes we’re eligible for, however you need to prove residency and the only way to do that is with a drivers license or state ID. Oh, we’ll need those licenses in order to vote too. And we intend to vote.

Texas requires vehicles to be registered before being eligible to get a drivers license or declare that you don’t own any vehicles. There’s a process, of course.

We’re getting used to doing things differently. Doesn’t matter if we think those ways are better or worse, because we don’t expect Texas to change how they do things. I really hate the people who start out their “welcome” with some advice not to try to bring out old state ways. Yeah, I get that part and don’t know Mrs. Kravitz to tell me.

Other than that we’re getting used to no snow, warm to hot as Hades weather throughout the years. H-E-B, and everything else that goes along with living in Texas.

I miss my friends, but modern technology allows me to stay in touch.

In another week I’ll start doing what passes for work. Another thing I’ll have to figure out is how to do it all remotely. Not exactly rocket science, but just different.

Just note that the featured picture is not our house, it’s just a house picture I picked at random.

Settling In, Sort Of


My last post was way to long ago, but we’ve been busy. We finally were able to depart our former state on November 8. The trip to Texas took about five days and included a side trip to visit my son, lovely daughter in law, and grand kids in South Carolina. There were some items I left with him for safe keeping until we are actually in our new home.

Speaking of which, we finally got to visit the house in person on Monday. It was less than ideal committing to this purchase via the Internet, but we just didn’t have the time to get down to the Texas before our seven day option expired.

Fortunately our realtor is very good, used a very thorough home inspector, and our daughter’s boyfriend is familiar with construction as he’s an engineer.

We weren’t disappointed. Mrs. EMS Artifact loved the kitchen, master bedroom, master bathroom, and her gigantic walk in closet even more in person than she did on line. While all of those are very nice, I was more interested in the garage where my workshop will be. And the 10′ x 12′ wooden shed out back. Which I’ll put to use for various things besides storage.

One of the guest bedrooms will become my office and I’m actually eager to get back to work, although that won’t be until our belongings arrive and are in the house. Which hopefully will be before the end of the month.

We aren’t sitting around the hotel just waiting. There is a lot to do and much of it different than how they were done in our former state. Some of this I knew, other parts are a learning experience.

It was easy setting up the gas and electrical services. Electrical service is unregulated in Texas and that means that multiple companies broker electricity at various prices. There is only one company that actually generates power, no one can buy directly from them, hence the brokers.

There were at least a dozen providers offering electricity to our area. I picked the one that I thought offered the best deal. Of course customers can change brokers every year or two as contracts expire.

We’re going to be in a “propane community” which means that there are huge propane tanks buried in an obscure part of the development and we all buy from the company that owns the tanks and propane. Not a lot different than how Natural Gas is bought in our former state.

Internet and Cable were similar although there were several options. I decided against cord cutting and stuck with a traditional cable company. Same set up as our old one, but with a different large indifferent provider.

Water was the last utility on the list. Well, technically water/sewer/trash. In our new city there are three separate water providers, however which one you use depends on where you live. Again, different than what we are used to. When I say “different” I’m pointing out a fact, not offering an opinion.

Of all of the services we’re signing up for, the city utility department was the most persnickety. We had to prove that we’re the actual buyers, submit ID, fill out a form, and agree to a “soft” credit check. I was told years ago that the two most important things in Texas are land and water. It sure seems that way because the city expects people to pay for their water on time and no excuses. I will say that the lady in the office couldn’t have been more helpful. She signed us up and recommended that we use direct deposit from our checking account to avoid the 4% surcharge for using a credit card.

Today I signed up for two “TX Tags.” These are for use on the several toll roads in the area. It’s not mandatory to use those roads, but there are times when it’s faster. Plus I inadvertently got on to one today and can only imagine how many surcharges I’ll get on that two mile journey.

Once we own the new house we also have to file for the county Homestead and Senior Citizen tax exemptions. Something that our old state didn’t have and which we kind of like. Well, we really like to be honest.

The house is not perfect, but everything that it needs is normal wear and tear for it’s age. It’s bigger than our old house by about 400 square feet and it’s all on one level. Forty Three years of four sets of stairs was more than enough.

Once my tools get here, I’ll start on the minor stuff and start looking for someone to do the work I can’t do. That includes a new roof, which is number one on the list. It doesn’t leak, but it’s nearing end of life. Then we need to get the HVAC serviced, but that will actually be first as it’s easier and less expensive. Then we’re going to get a whole house generator. This area is not immune to power outages and I am definitely not going to sit in 100 degree weather without electricity.

We have decent punch list from the home inspection, much of what I can do myself.

So, that’s what has kept me from blogging for several weeks. It’s actually a bit exhausting learning all of these new things, and I expect that while not as tiring as packing, we’ll be spending time unpacking things and figuring out where to put them. Sort of like Christmas every day was we open boxes and remember what we actually put in them.

More later.

A New Beginning


Our house sale is finally complete. It was a rocky road, but it worked out fine in the end. Not only that, but after our first buyer backed out suddenly, we re listed the house and got a better buyer.

Better as in no bullshit, and she waived the home inspection. That was in large part because the one the first buyer paid for showed nothing that wasn’t bullshit. That buyer was nuts and would have been a PITA to deal with.

Plus the second buyer needed to be out of her house by the end of this week so she paid us a nice premium for our efforts to get out and close early. Packing and getting the moving company in to remove what’s going south with us was perhaps the most stressful thing I’ve ever done.

There was a lot of packing, sorting, selling, giving to friends, and throwing out to be done. It’s amazing what you can accumulate in Forty Three years.

So that’s good news.

Better news is that we made and had an offer accepted yesterday evening. I’ll be somewhat vague about the location, but it’s in Williamson County, TX. Close enough to Austin to be able to go there when we want or need to. Far enough and outside of Travis County so that the Left Wing nuttery is not an issue.

It’s going to be different dealing with an HOA, but the one we’ll be in is older and less intrusive from what I’ve seen.

The house is bigger than what we have now, and more importantly is a single level. No more stairs for us. Forty Three years of climbing three levels of stairs to get around the house was enough.

We’re still in our soon to be former home state for a week or maybe two and then we’ll be driving down to our new town. We can’t close until after Thanksgiving, but we’ll be in Texas for the holiday.

We have something to be thankful for, that’s for sure.

I’ll try to get back to somewhat normal blogging, including the attempted invasion of Israel by Paleostinian terrorist thugs. Hamas is the army of Gaza, but my guess is everyone who lives their supports them to some extent.

More later.

Gaza as Tet

The attack and slaughter of civilians by Hamas terrorists last weekend has drawn a lot of analogies to previous sneak attacks. Most observers have used either the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, or the Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 as examples.

I don’t think either of those are fitting examples. Rather, I think the Tet Offensive of January 1968 is a more accurate comparison.

Briefly from Wikipedia,

The offensive was launched prematurely in the early morning hours of 30 January in large parts of the I and II Corps Tactical Zones of South Vietnam. This early attack allowed allied forces some time to prepare defensive measures. When the main operation began during the early morning hours of 31 January, the offensive was countrywide; eventually more than 80,000 PAVN/VC troops struck more than 100 towns and cities, including 36 of 44 provincial capitals, five of the six autonomous cities, 72 of 245 district towns, and the southern capital.[20] The offensive was the largest military operation conducted by either side up to that point in the war.

Hanoi had launched the offensive in the belief that it would trigger a popular uprising leading to the collapse of the South Vietnamese government. Although the initial attacks stunned the allies, causing them to lose control of several cities temporarily, they quickly regrouped, beat back the attacks, and inflicted heavy casualties on PAVN/VC forces. The popular uprising anticipated by Hanoi never happened. During the Battle of Huế, intense fighting lasted for a month, resulting in the destruction of the city. During their occupation, the PAVN/VC executed thousands of people in the Massacre at Huế. Around the U.S. combat base at Khe Sanh, fighting continued for two more months.

Keep in mind that this is from Wikipedia, so vet it carefully. Still, the broad outlines are accurate.

Sound familiar? I take exception to the use of “execution” as that implies that there was a judicial process to decide who would be put to death. Murder is what that was, pure and simple.

Just as Hamas started out their terror attack by slaughtering civilians at a music festival, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army slaughtered people who could cause them no harm.

Unlike the NVA and VC, Hamas took civilian hostages for the specific purpose of trading them for prisoners held by Israel. They also took them for the purpose of rape and murder, although I’ve read they murderer and then raped some of the victims. Big heroes.

Apparently Jewish infants were so much of a threat that Hamas members decided to murder them and decapitate many of them. Doesn’t appear to be a legitimate military objective, but what do I know.

The difference here is that the Israeli military recovered much more quickly and is now ready to go on the offensive. At which point the weak kneed pacifist crowd started calling for restraint on the part of Israel. Probably not going to happen.

Like Tet, the media is lying about what happened and what’s happening. This was not a justified attack by the “Palestinian” people. In fact, there is no such thing. The ancestors of the “Palestinians” were offered full Israeli citizenship and the offer to live within the borders of the new nation. Instead they initiated and lost a war of extermination. They’ve subsisted in refugee camps ever since.

Other Arab nations are refusing to let them settle in their territory and most of the assistance they give is in the form of weapons and ammunition. Many of the Palestinians in Gaze had jobs in Israel, but that’s done now.

It’s pretty widely accepted, other than by the Biden Administration, that this operation was funded, supported, and planned by Iran as part of it’s plan to eradicate Israel. As with Tet, it also allowed Iran to set the stage for Israel to eliminate most of Hamas. In 1968, part of the NVA plan to was eliminate the Viet Cong as an effective fighting force and allow North Vietnam to take control of the war.

Revolutionaries like the VC and Hamas are problematic once their usefulness to the states sponsoring them is finished. Rather than kill them themselves, it’s more effective to allow the enemy to do it for you.

Cynical, huh?

As with Tet, the expected widening revolution has not materialized. At least not yet. Don’t be too surprised is some of the “widows and orphans” seeking refuge in Europe and the US are infiltrating with the intent of causing mischief once they are inside the host nations. Interestingly pictures of those refugees include a lot of images of young men of military age traveling alone.

Odd, isn’t it?

Egypt is closing it’s passages from Gaza into their country. There is some information that Israel has blown up infrastructure in those areas as well. It seems that Israel doesn’t want Hamas terrorists to escape to fight another day.

This is far from over, it’s just beginning in fact. Gaza will be reduced to rubble and many civilians will suffer. Civilians always suffer war, especially when one side hides among them and uses hospitals, schools, and religious institutions as shelters and armories.

As with Tet, the reality is far different than the reality. Hamas will be destroyed in the end, but they’ll likely be portrayed as the victims when in fact they were the perpetrators.

Don’t be fooled.

… I’m going to Texas

Back in August I posed that Mrs. EMS Artifact and I have decided to move out of state. Specifically to Texas, which will be the fruition of a long time desire.

In the earlier post I listed a lot of what we did to make the house saleable at a good price. In mid September, the house went live on the market place.

Below is some of what happened after that. Things are moving so quickly that from when I started this post until today a lot more has happened.

Anyway the moving update.

We had the place sold two weeks ago at a bit over asking price. The P&S was pending inspection which should have gone quickly. Should have. Turns out that the buyer is, well, nucking futs. After three visits, her totally crooked home inspector found her that out that she had clearly been looking for. Why she changed her mind, I neither know or care.

The immediate effect was that we had to pull our offer on beautiful house in the suburbs of Austin.

My wife and I were in a panic, and not a mild one. If we couldn’t disprove what her home inspector said was the issue, we’d be stuck until next year trying to figure out if there was a real issue. After two days, no one could figure out what he was saying and the report he sent us had no standard range of values. A friend who is an experienced environmental health and safety engineer said he’d never seen anything like the report in over a dozen years in the field.

Our realtor decided to go ahead and relist with the bogus report disclosed. That was exactly a week after the deal blew up. A wasted week as we couldn’t continue looking for a new house.

House was listed Friday, realtor called me Saturday morning that she had multiple showings scheduled with the first in about an hour. I woke up Mrs. Too Old and we executed our “Abandon Ship” drill. I went out for breakfast with a friend and she did something. We met later in the day and then drove around for a few hours until the “All Clear” was sounded.

We got two good offers. In fact, they were several thousand more than crazy broad had offered. Plus one of them had rock solid financing and was waiving the home inspection. Deal.

There was only one problem. The buyers have to be out of there house by the end of October. We now have three weeks to complete six weeks of moving, cleaning, packing, disposing of 43 years of accumulated crap. The Yard Sale idea went right out the window.

The P&S is signed, we have a closing date, we have notified our moving company. Now we just need to find a new place to live. 2,100 miles away.

That search starts with a couple of Facetime showings with our TX realtor. Unfortunately, someone else fell in love with the house that we wanted, but actually there are others just like it in the same area.

We looked at a couple with our realtor via Face Time. One looked beautiful from the outside and had a very well set up office space. At least it looked beautiful in the realty posting on line. When our realtor went out in person iPhone in hand it was a different story. There were several indicators that there is likely possible foundation damage that will need to be repaired. Mrs. EMSArtifact and I have decided that we don’t want a “project” or “handyman special.” We want a house that needs nothing more than maybe some interior painting.

Yesterday we looked at another house. It was in better condition than the first, but has carpet that needs to be replaced with different flooring, many rooms need painting, and as it sits is only worth $10,000 less than the asking price.

We’ll keep looking as new houses come on the market in that area every day or so.

Meanwhile the packing, sort, tossing, donating, and giving way continues. It’s amazing how much crap you end up accumulating in forty three years. Things that were important to us turn out to be of limited of no value to anyone else. We had plans of a moving sale, but the hard truth is that the few hundred dollars we might realize from that are outweighed by a full day of not being able to pack, sort, toss, …

We’re giving a lot of tools and other items to friends and neighbors who will put them to good use. Clothes are going to a charity organization, as is some food.

Oddly no one seems to want furniture. Maybe because it’s hard to move, but I’d think that someone could use furniture that is in good condition.

We decided to have our movers come and pack up Mrs. EMS Artifact’s kitchen. Hopefully during that process she we realize that we don’t have to feed a family of four and will reduce what we move. Hopefully.

We’re going to technically be “homeless” for a few weeks, but we’ll be living in a Homewood Suites hotel not far from our old place. Once we take care of a few obligations up here, it’s off to Texas.


Not The Way To EMS

I’ll preface this by saying we only know what the family is alleging. The EMT and town have yet to respond and there has been no reply from the town itself.

Arguendo, as the lawyers say, lets stipulate that the facts as presented by the family are accurate.

Maine family files $2M wrongful death lawsuit after patient falls from cot

MEDWAY, Maine — The wife and grandson of a man in respiratory failure watched an EMT pronounce him dead after dropping him from a gurney outside his Maine home, according to a recently filed lawsuit.

Before Kenneth D. LaPorte, Sr. stopped breathing, the EMT who responded to his medical emergency forced him to walk an “unreasonable distance” to the ambulance parked outside his home at around 3 a.m. when he was “experiencing low oxygen levels” of around 74% on April 16, 2022, the lawsuit says.

Letting a patient with an acute illness walk any distance is poor care absent some unusual circumstances. Which don’t appear to be present here. 74% is pretty much incompatible with life and encouraging a patient to walk is going to place severe stress on their cardiorespiratory system.

Then, the EMT placed LaPorte on a gurney — but never strapped him to it — before she went to get an oxygen tube, according to the complaint, which says as she untangled the oxygen tubing, LaPorte stopped breathing.

When the EMT lifted the gurney, LaPorte’s family watched him fall off, hit his head on the ambulance’s bumper and again on the ground, the complaint says.

Again, a serious lapse of patient care. Typically, providers are required to bring the appropriate equipment and a method to “convey” the patient to the ambulance. Since the patient was on home Oxygen a reasonable and prudent provider would make sure that was provided before moving the patient.

Straps are required before moving the patient specifically to prevent them from falling off the stretcher.

After the Medway Ambulance Service arrived at LaPorte’s home, the ambulance’s driver brought a medical bag inside the house but the EMT wouldn’t use it, according to the complaint.

“I do not need the bag, take it back out,” the EMT told the driver, the complaint says.

The EMT is accused of failing to record LaPorte’s vital signs before having him walk to the ambulance while in respiratory distress, according to the complaint.

Total fail there. When I read an ambulance report, I check to see what time the vital signs were first obtained. If it’s more than two minutes after initial patient contact, the provider had better have documented a good reason.

CPR is more effective on a flat service (gurney), rather than on the earth.”

I’ll quibble and say not necessarily, but it’s just a quibble. The bigger issue is the patient falling off the stretcher, not where the CPR was done.

Oh, and I don’t know anyone in EMS, at least east of the Mississippi that calls and ambulance stretcher a “Gurney.” I don’t even know what a Gurney is although I guess that it’s some term some writer heard along they way and thought was cool. I’ve heard them called “the bed,” “cot,”  or even a “stretcher” and one former partner called it “The Slumber King,” but never a Gurney.

Neither major ambulance stretcher manufacturer uses the term “Gurney.”

Back on point. I don’t know who is liable in this case as it’s unclear if the ambulance service was run by the town or is a private service who provides service to the town. I’m sure it will all be straightened out in court and it’s likely that someone’s insurance company will settle before it goes to trial.

It’s doubtful that the family made up this story, but it might not be as bad as the article portrays. Likely we’ll never know.

I’d sure like to get a chance to read the ambulance report, but that’s not going to happen.

In any case, the optics of this are horrible.



Twenty Two Years

On September 11, 2001 I was sitting at a different desk, using a different computer, and was in a different city than the one where I am typing this.

I felt fairly dreadful as I had some sort of cold or other RSV and my plan was to sleep away most of the day. I was listening to Don Imus on the radio and reading through news on my computer. Imus mentioned something about a plane hitting one of the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.

At first a lot of people thought it must be a light airplane of some type, maybe a news helicopter, maybe some other small plane.

Then the second plane hit and I knew that we were at war with somebody. Or rather, somebody was at war with us. Then the report of a plane hitting the Pentagon came in and a while later the report of a plane crashing in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

I watched TV for a while then went to bed to try to shake the cold.

The world had changed in those minutes and then the hours while I slept.

We went to war, won, then lost the peace. I’ll keep politics out of this because it’s not a day for politics.

It’s a day for remembering the sacrifices of both the public safety providers and the regular everyday people who didn’t live to see the sunset on that day. It’s a day for remembering the sacrifices of the people who are still dying twenty two years later from diseases caused by the carcinogens carried in the choking dust of the debris. I knew or knew of half dozen or so people who responded to the site of the towers that day who have subsequently died. More no doubt will die in the coming years.

While we and our children lived through that day and won’t forget where and what we were doing that day, to my grandchildren it’s a remote historical event. I wonder if the schools teach about that day, and if they do what they teach about it.

It seems that it was all for naught, as the religious fanatics in charge of Afghanistan are now back in charge. Plus they are inviting the same, or worse, types of terrorists back into the country. Pakistan, which gave aid and support to the Taliban now finds that it is in a low level border war with their former allies. Thousands of coalition troops and civilian support personnel were killed and it seems that their sacrifices were in vain.

A friend with absolutely no sense of history says that the first thing governments should do before going to war is decide if they can afford to pay for it. I correct him and say that the first thing governments should do is decide if they can afford the cost in lives of young men. For that is the real cost of war. I know that young women are now involved in war fighting, but that’s still a small percentage of the losses because men do most of the heavy fighting. So, forgive me if you think I’m a misogynist.

We seem to have given up on a war that we absolutely can’t afford to lose.

It’s a somber anniversary for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it seems that so many people no longer care about what happened back then.

Moving On


Mrs. EMS Artifact and I have decided that it’s time to pull up stakes and leave the state in which we’ve lived our entire lives so far. This has been a long time in the making and until a few months I wasn’t sure it would actually happen.

The story started almost eleven years ago when I retired from my EMS career. I’ve long wanted to leave the state and resettle somewhere more in concert with the lifestyle I wanted to live. Mrs. EMS Artifact’s statement was that she’d go wherever I wanted, as long as it was with me. At the time I had three or four states in mind. All were somewhere in the south, where the politics were closer to ours, guns were not treated as a threat, there was no winter. Well, at least no winter like that in the cold northeast.

When we started this process our son and his family lived in New Jersey, our daughter lived local to us. That changed over the next couple of years when our son moved to Alabama and our daughter moved to Texas. Which, incidentally she’d wanted to do since she was about ten. Everyone was aware of that except her father. Always the last to know.

At the time, my Mother in Law as a healthy 95, but she was still 95 and my wife was her support system. So, we agreed that we’d do nothing until she no longer needed us. No big deal, I figured. Ha! She lived until the ripe old age of 102, not dying until fall of 2021.

I passed the time with part time work, exercise, dieting, and generally trying to stay healthy. That part worked and worked pretty well. I also started getting the house ready to be sold even though it was not going on the market. One of the things one learns when one owns a house is that there is always something that needs to be done. Unless the home owner has a lot of money, he learns to do a lot of things on his own. Not necessarily well, but well enough. Working and raising kids often means that repairs are sufficient to keep the house running, but are not done well. “Mickey Mouseing” is the term we used to use.

Over the years I leaned some carpentry, some plumbing, some electrical, how to maintain the yard, even how to fix the whole house AC if the repair was simple enough. With a life long friend, I replaced windows and doors. I painted when necessary even though I hated and still hate to paint. I also learned how to landscape, and again that’s something for which I didn’t care.

One of the luxuries of being retired is that I now had time to go back and fix the repairs the right way. I also had money, now that the kids were out and on their own to pay people for some things.

Herewith is the list of projects I either did or had done to the house. First is the expensive stuff I paid other people to do.

Replace our boiler and oil tank. Here in the cold northeast, we use oil to heat water which is circulated around the house in pipes and radiators. Well, some people use natural gas to heat air that is circulated around the house to heat it. Replacing that required moving heavy and dirty stuff, knowing plumbing, electrical systems, and then moving new heavy stuff in and hooking it up.

Painting the house inside and out. Then, the next year having it repainted due to a particularly harsh winter in which it snowed every day in February. Every. Damned. Day. Which meant running the snow blower every day. During that we had ice build up and when the ice melted it destroyed the exterior paint and some water leaked into the freshly painted rooms. Fortunately, the insurance company paid for that. Insurance didn’t pay for the new windows, though.

Trees cut down and the wood removed. Not little trees.

Roof replacement. It was time and after the winter two years before every snow storm was anxiety inducing. Definitely no a do it myself job.

Whole house generator. Another complex project that involved gas piping, extensive electrical work, inspections by the town. We did that after having multi day power outages that only happened in cold weather.

More trees cut down and the wood removed. Not little trees. Not only is there danger of a parts of trees falling on me, but even worse parts of trees could fall on the generator. Can’t have that.

Replaced the central air conditioning. Again not a do it myself job.

Insulation and air sealing the day after the AC was replaced.

Tree branches cut back.

Had second bathroom built. Another job that was more complicated than it appeared at first. Another not DIY project. Not cheap, but worth it.

New railings for the front steps.

That’s the stuff I paid other people to do. Here is the stuff I did either by myself or with my friend.

Landscaping. Not my favorite activity at first, but I kind of grew (no pun intended) to enjoy the physical labor.

First, I cut back Forsythia that had taken up about 1/5 of our back yard. Forsythia is pretty, but it’s invasive if not trimmed back diligently. During that time I was working, I just didn’t have the time to do that and the forsythia continued to grow. Kind of snuck up on me. This involved cutting the bushes, then digging up the roots, then burning the bushes and the roots. Then burning the ashes, just in case. Then dumping the ashes way back in the woods. By the way, roots seem to love to grow around rocks. So, often I’d have to dig out pretty good sized rocks to get the roots out. As with northeast farmers a couple of hundred years ago, the dug out rocks were dragged to the edge of the tree line.

Then top soil, grass seed, fertilizer, water. For reasons I don’t understand, it takes about three years for grass to take root in my yard. It’s a journey not a destination. This became a spring ritual as I cut back more brush and expanded the size of the grassy area. The last part of this was just this last spring when I had a stump grinder come in and remove the stumps from the cut down trees that were now not at the edge of the grassy area. That required more top soil, more grass seed, and more water. I don’t expect to be here in two years when that area is completely filled in. I’ve lost track of the amount of top soil I’ve spread over the years to improve the condition of the soil, but it was a lot of it. Several yards, I’m sure.

I’ve fixed, replaced, or refinished just about every interior door we have. That is not hard per se, but it is fiddly as the saying goes. In some cases I re aligned doors so that they closed properly. Not hard, but time consuming. Now that I had the time I could do the job correctly. I actually smiled several times when I finally got a door to close tightly and without sticking.

Painting and patching here and there. Another benefit of having time is that I could do the preparation properly. Just about every job will be easy if the prep is done right. That includes painting, carpentry, electrical, and well everything

Painting including removing the basement windows, sanding and derusting the frames and once again painting them. This was actually a good project to do during the panicdemic when there wasn’t much else to do.

I painted the inside of the garage. The garage, like a lot of them, had never been painted. The walls and ceiling showed their age, so I painted them with gray primer. Raw plaster sucks up primer and it took several days and seven gallons to get the job done. This was actually one of the first jobs I did after I retired.

Fast forward to last year and I repaired or replaced all of the hardware on the garage door and painted the interior side. A stupid little thing, but I felt it needed to be done.

I replaced just about every wall switch and electrical outlet in the house. Just because they were all over 50 years old and original to the house. A little preventative maintenance.

Finally, the last few weeks I’ve been patching and touching up various small areas around the house. That includes painting the stoop on the back stairs so that it didn’t look like it… needed to be painted.

All of this was to get the house to the point where it wouldn’t need a lot of work when the time came to sell it and move.

That time has come. Today we signed on with a real estate agent who will sell our house. She’s optimistic that it will sell quickly as there is not a lot of inventory in our town and our town has come to be a hot property over the past few years.

Now, what we have to do is clean, sort, pack, toss, forty three years of accumulated “stuff.” This was our “starter home” from which we are finally ready to move.

Next week we’ll travel to Texas near where our daughter lives. We’ll be looking at properties although we are not yet able to commit to buying anything. Now that our parents and older relatives are gone, we are the older family members that will eventually need a support system. Our daughter has agreed to be the point person, although we expect that our son and daughter in law will pitch in if and when necessary.

Where are we going?

Texas. Where we expect to be quite happy.

Know anyone who needs a snow blower?

“The Chicago Way”

Paramedics, EMTs Claim Chicago-Area Ambulance Company Illegally Forced Them to Pay For Red Light, Speed Camera Tickets

Paramedics and EMTs working for the large private firm Elite Ambulance say the company illegally deducted the cost of red light and speed camera tickets incurred on the job from their paychecks.

In a class action wage theft lawsuit filed Wednesday in Cook County court, plaintiffs say instead of contesting the tickets, which were incurred during emergency calls while running with lights and sirens, the company charged the cost of the moving violations against employees’ pay without their consent.

Of course there is “going through a red light” and “running a red light.” The former requires coming to a stop, making sure that there is no cross traffic, and then proceeding. The second is just driving through like it’s a green light. For the sake of argument I’ll stipulate that the providers involved did the first. If so, then the ticket should have been cancelled when the police officer reviewed the video.


Generally, these red light cameras are operated by private companies that send the still or video to a police officer from the department for review. The officer is supposed to view the still or video and decide if it’s a valid infraction. If so, a ticket will be issued technically by the police agency. “Supposed” and “technically” are in scare quotes because more than one the company, with the agreement of the department just sort f skipped the review part. There was a case, I think in Ohio, where the police officer who was supposed to do the reviewing signed off on violations when he was on vacation and other times when he wasn’t on duty.

Oh that.

This was so bad in Ohio that the state Supreme Court essentially banned them because the process that most cities in the state used for appeals was Unconstitutional.

Back to Chicago,

A judge will need to certify the lawsuit as a class action. Elite’s website says it has 2,000 employees and 175 ambulances working in the Chicago area and Northwest Indiana, meaning the class size and dollar amount of any judgment against the company could be significant.

Of course it could take years and Elite could claim bankruptcy to avoid paying. That said, discovery of the process that Chicago uses to determine if a violation is valid should be interesting.

The paramedics and EMTs Canon eventually came to represent began discussing the alleged wage theft during an organizing drive. Last month, workers at Elite filed for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board.

I won’t get into the debate whether unions in EMS are good or bad, but it’s interesting that the company started to increase enforcement during the drive to certify an election to determine if they will have a union. From my years involved in this sort of thing I know that the government takes a dim view of an employer that attempts to interfere with organizing efforts by employees attempting to bring a union into their workplace.

As the title says it’s “The Chicago Way.”