Home Civil Rights Indiana Wants Me

Indiana Wants Me


In addition to being the title of a song from the 1970s, I’m heading out early this morning for Indianapolis. There, I’ll be joining other like minded folks for the National Rifle Association Annual Meetings and Exposition.

While I’ll be covering the various speeches, I’ll be mostly on the exhibit hall floor checking out the latest in firearms, accessories, and other fun stuff.

I’ll be hanging with Ambulance Driver and other fine folks I’ve met over the years.

I’ll put up some posts with pictures for your reading enjoyment. I’ll also try to post my story about my great mail box adventure. The oddest part of which is that I discovered a road under the road in front of my house.

Yes, that’s as weird as it sounds. With any luck I’ll get that post going before the festivities start in Indianapolis.

Oh, both the President and Vice President are going to speak again this year. That will be a big event which I plan to watch from the media room. Last year the line to get in was long and slooooowwwww. Of course it was the one part of the whole show in which no one could bring a firearm. Which makes sense, of course.

Speaking of firearms, I haven’t seen any breathless media stories about how the NRA is banning guns from the meetings and exhibit hall this year. Or requiring everyone to carry unloaded.

Neither of which were true last year.

Stay tuned.

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After a long career as a field EMS provider, I'm now doing all that back office stuff I used to laugh at. Life is full of ironies, isn't it? I still live in the Northeast corner of the United States, although I hope to change that to another part of the country more in tune with my values and beliefs. I still write about EMS, but I'm adding more and more non EMS subject matter. Thanks for visiting.


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