The attack and slaughter of civilians by Hamas terrorists last weekend has drawn a lot of analogies to previous sneak attacks. Most observers have used either the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, or the Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 as examples.
I don’t think either of those are fitting examples. Rather, I think the Tet Offensive of January 1968 is a more accurate comparison.
Briefly from Wikipedia,
The offensive was launched prematurely in the early morning hours of 30 January in large parts of the I and II Corps Tactical Zones of South Vietnam. This early attack allowed allied forces some time to prepare defensive measures. When the main operation began during the early morning hours of 31 January, the offensive was countrywide; eventually more than 80,000 PAVN/VC troops struck more than 100 towns and cities, including 36 of 44 provincial capitals, five of the six autonomous cities, 72 of 245 district towns, and the southern capital.[20] The offensive was the largest military operation conducted by either side up to that point in the war.
Hanoi had launched the offensive in the belief that it would trigger a popular uprising leading to the collapse of the South Vietnamese government. Although the initial attacks stunned the allies, causing them to lose control of several cities temporarily, they quickly regrouped, beat back the attacks, and inflicted heavy casualties on PAVN/VC forces. The popular uprising anticipated by Hanoi never happened. During the Battle of Huế, intense fighting lasted for a month, resulting in the destruction of the city. During their occupation, the PAVN/VC executed thousands of people in the Massacre at Huế. Around the U.S. combat base at Khe Sanh, fighting continued for two more months.
Keep in mind that this is from Wikipedia, so vet it carefully. Still, the broad outlines are accurate.
Sound familiar? I take exception to the use of “execution” as that implies that there was a judicial process to decide who would be put to death. Murder is what that was, pure and simple.
Just as Hamas started out their terror attack by slaughtering civilians at a music festival, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army slaughtered people who could cause them no harm.
Unlike the NVA and VC, Hamas took civilian hostages for the specific purpose of trading them for prisoners held by Israel. They also took them for the purpose of rape and murder, although I’ve read they murderer and then raped some of the victims. Big heroes.
Apparently Jewish infants were so much of a threat that Hamas members decided to murder them and decapitate many of them. Doesn’t appear to be a legitimate military objective, but what do I know.
The difference here is that the Israeli military recovered much more quickly and is now ready to go on the offensive. At which point the weak kneed pacifist crowd started calling for restraint on the part of Israel. Probably not going to happen.
Like Tet, the media is lying about what happened and what’s happening. This was not a justified attack by the “Palestinian” people. In fact, there is no such thing. The ancestors of the “Palestinians” were offered full Israeli citizenship and the offer to live within the borders of the new nation. Instead they initiated and lost a war of extermination. They’ve subsisted in refugee camps ever since.
Other Arab nations are refusing to let them settle in their territory and most of the assistance they give is in the form of weapons and ammunition. Many of the Palestinians in Gaze had jobs in Israel, but that’s done now.
It’s pretty widely accepted, other than by the Biden Administration, that this operation was funded, supported, and planned by Iran as part of it’s plan to eradicate Israel. As with Tet, it also allowed Iran to set the stage for Israel to eliminate most of Hamas. In 1968, part of the NVA plan to was eliminate the Viet Cong as an effective fighting force and allow North Vietnam to take control of the war.
Revolutionaries like the VC and Hamas are problematic once their usefulness to the states sponsoring them is finished. Rather than kill them themselves, it’s more effective to allow the enemy to do it for you.
Cynical, huh?
As with Tet, the expected widening revolution has not materialized. At least not yet. Don’t be too surprised is some of the “widows and orphans” seeking refuge in Europe and the US are infiltrating with the intent of causing mischief once they are inside the host nations. Interestingly pictures of those refugees include a lot of images of young men of military age traveling alone.
Odd, isn’t it?
Egypt is closing it’s passages from Gaza into their country. There is some information that Israel has blown up infrastructure in those areas as well. It seems that Israel doesn’t want Hamas terrorists to escape to fight another day.
This is far from over, it’s just beginning in fact. Gaza will be reduced to rubble and many civilians will suffer. Civilians always suffer war, especially when one side hides among them and uses hospitals, schools, and religious institutions as shelters and armories.
As with Tet, the reality is far different than the reality. Hamas will be destroyed in the end, but they’ll likely be portrayed as the victims when in fact they were the perpetrators.
Don’t be fooled.
This is very apt comparison… But I think the ‘ending’ this time is going to be significantly different for the perps…